Thanks for visiting my travel blog, Find Love and Travel! If you’ve landed here, know that I am more than happy to help you. My email can be found at the bottom of this page. BUT before you reach out, I may have already answered your question here!
If you’re a reader looking for more information, first check my Destination pages and click on your desired destination. Here, you will find all the information I have available on that country/region. If you still have a question, it is best to leave a comment! This way, your comment may also be able to help someone else. You can also reach out to me via email/social media, but I check comments more often.
Please note, that I do not plan individualized trips, nor do I offer one on one specialized itineraries. I do my best to provide all the information I can to help you plan an incredible trip throughout my travel blog. I am always happy to help where I can, but I am not a travel agent. You can always check my travel resources for additional help.
Additionally, these guides and tips are all just suggestions. I can not be held liable if something goes wrong. It is always important to do your own due diligence.
If you want to print something, you can press Ctrl+p (PC) or Cmd+p (Mac) to print out any of my guides. They can be used for PERSONAL USE ONLY. They are not allowed to be used commercially or republished anywhere.
Moreover, if you’re traveling to New York, you can join my New York Facebook group to ask questions and get tips!
Lastly, it means the world to me when you share any of my content you find helpful. I work hard to make these guides and itineraries for FREE! I know AD’s can be annoying, but they allow me to continue creating free content for you without any paywalls! If you want to continue the support, sign up for my Newsletter or check out my socials (Instagram is the most active). I truly appreciate your support!
Brands & Destinations
Thank you for considering my travel blog for a collaboration. You should be able to find all the information you’re looking for in my Work With Me Section, along with contact information!
Guest Posting and Links
DO NOT reach out to me with guest posts or selling links. I do not accept guest posts on my blog, therefore, your email will go unanswered. I also DO NOT sell or accept paid/sponsored links on my blog. Again, your email will be ignored with such requests. My travel blog is focused on my personal experiences while traveling.
If you still can’t find the answer, please send me an email at, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please include a detailed description so I can better help you.
Xo Sam Opp